

FlightPlanet.com is a flight comparison platform that provides users with access to flight information helping them book their preferred flights. Please note that we do not sell flight tickets directly nor do we handle the booking or purchase process.

FlightPlanet.com operates independently and is not affiliated with airlines, hotels, or other travel service providers. For detailed information about our policies please review our Terms & Conditions.

Responsibilities and Liabilities

FlightPlanet.com assumes no responsibility for complaints related to services provided by airlines, hotels, or other travel suppliers. Payment-related issues such as cancellations, rescheduling, or refunds must be resolved directly with the respective service provider.

While we strive to offer accurate search results, we cannot guarantee the availability of specific flights or services nor can we verify the financial stability of listed providers. If a service provider fails to deliver the paid service, it is their responsibility to address the matter.

No Guarantees

We aim to provide current and accurate flight details, but prices and schedules may change rapidly. FlightPlanet.com is not responsible for:

Changes in prices after they have been quoted.

Delays or inaccuracies in the booking process.

Any changes made by service providers after a booking has been initiated.

When making a booking users are bound by the terms of service of the respective provider. The prices and special offers displayed on our platform may be time-sensitive and subject to specific conditions.

Limited Liability

FlightPlanet.com is not liable for any losses, damages or issues resulting from:

Errors or omissions by airlines, hotels, or other travel providers.

Changes in pricing, flight schedules or availability after a booking.

Financial difficulties experienced by any travel providers affecting service delivery.

All disputes related to booking services must be addressed directly with the relevant travel provider. FlightPlanet.com is not responsible for refunds, compensation, or disputes arising from third-party service issues.